Citation Guide: Chicago


1st Footnote or Endnote
32. US Constitution, art. 2, sec. 1, cl. 3.

Usually not cited in bibliography.

Author-Date Style

1st Parenthetical Note
(US Constitution, art. 1, sec. 9)

Reference List
Usually not cited in reference list.


Notes-Bibliography Style

1st Footnote or Endnote
17. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer
Space, and Under Water, US-UK-USSR, August 5, 1963, UST 14, pt. 2, 1313.

Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and
Under Water, US-UK-USSR. August 5, 1963. UST 14, pt. 2.

Author-Date Style

1st Parenthetical Note
(US Department of State 1963, 1313)

Reference List
US Department of State. 1963. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the
Atmosphere , in Outer Space, and Under Water. US-UK-USSR. August 5.
UST 14, pt. 2.