What is Proforma Invoice? Format (Template) and Status under GST

A proforma invoice, defined as an early version of a bill, follows a GST-compliant format and is sent by sellers to buyers as a preview before delivering goods or services. This document, acting like a shopping list, includes details such as product descriptions, estimated costs, and important terms. Proforma invoices are crucial for businesses, ensuring both parties agree on what’s being sold and at what cost, serving as a pre-deal agreement. The importance of proforma invoices lies in their role in avoiding misunderstandings, planning transactions, and maintaining transparency, especially in international trade. In the context of GST, proforma invoices help businesses adhere to regulations, providing estimates before the actual transaction, acting as a ‘before’ snapshot for planning and budgeting.

Understanding GST and Its Relevance to Invoices

GST, short for Goods and Services Tax, is a type of tax applied when you buy goods or services. Introduced by the government to simplify the tax system, it replaces various confusing taxes and helps prevent tax evasion. For example, if you buy a mobile phone for Rs. 10,000 with an 18% GST rate, the GST amount is Rs. 1,800, making the total cost Rs. 11,800. This GST amount is paid to the government by the seller. Invoices are relevant to GST as they show the tax component, ensuring pricing transparency and compliance with tax regulations when a business issues them for products or services.

For example, an invoice for a product costing Rs. 10,000 with an 18% GST rate would include the following:

  1. Product Cost: Rs. 10,000
  2. GST Amount: Rs. 1,800 (18% of Rs. 10,000)
  3. Total Invoice Amount: Rs. 11,800 (Product Cost + GST Amount)

Including the GST details on the invoice helps both the buyer and the seller understand the tax implications of the transaction. It also ensures that the correct amount of GST is collected by the seller for remittance to the government.

Proforma Invoice Essentials

A proforma invoice, like a detailed shopping list before you buy something, should have:

Benefits and Advantages of Proforma Invoices

Using proforma invoices in business transactions comes with several advantages:

Clarity in Transactions:

Financial Planning:

Formal Quotation:

International Trade Facilitation:

Preventing Misunderstandings:

Agreement Before Actual Transaction:

Legal Compliance:

Proforma Invoice in the Context of GST

captainbiz proforma invoice in the context of gst

Proforma invoices play a crucial role within the broader framework of the GST, considering compliance requirements, tax calculations, and specific considerations related to GST. Here’s how:

Compliance Requirements:

Tax Calculations:

GST Rates and Categories:

Input Tax Credit (ITC):

Transition to Final Invoice:

Avoiding Disputes and Penalties:

Importance of Accurate Proforma Invoicing under GST

captainbiz importance of accurate proforma invoicing under gst

Being precise when making a proforma invoice in the context of GST is really important. Here’s why:

Avoid Mistakes:

GST Rules:

Clear Understanding:

Smooth Transactions:

Legal Compliance:

Creating a Proforma Invoice under GST Guidelines

When making a proforma invoice under GST rules, follow these steps to stay in line with the guidelines:

Header Information:

Date and Validity:

Seller and Buyer Details:

Goods/Services Description:

Quantities and Prices:

GST Details:

Total Amount:

Payment Terms:

Additional Costs:

Terms and Conditions:

Bank Details of Supplier:

Certifications Required by Customs Authorities (if any):

Legal Disclaimer:

Signature by an Authorized Person from the Supplier’s Company:

Save and Share:

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Proforma Invoicing under GST

When making a proforma invoice under GST, watch out for these common mistakes:

Forgetting Important Details: Don’t leave out crucial information like item descriptions, quantities, or prices. Include everything clearly.

Ignoring GST Rates: Be aware of the correct GST rates for your goods or services. Not considering these rates can lead to errors.

Skipping Payment Terms: Clearly state when and how you expect to be paid. Skipping this can cause confusion.

Not Checking Validity Dates: Mention how long the prices on the proforma invoice are valid. Forgetting this can lead to misunderstandings later.

Neglecting Certifications: If Customs Authorities require specific certifications, make sure you include them. Neglecting this can cause issues during customs clearance.

Leaving Out Authorized Signature: An authorized person from your company should sign the proforma invoice. Skipping this might make it less official.

Not Clearly Labeling as “Not a Tax Invoice”: Clearly state that it’s a proforma invoice and not the final bill. This helps avoid confusion.

Ignoring Applicable Taxes: Specify if prices include GST or not. Ignoring this can lead to incorrect tax calculations.

Overlooking Additional Costs: If there are extra charges like shipping costs, include them. Overlooking this can lead to unexpected expenses for the buyer.


So, in conclusion, a proforma invoice is like an early shopping list businesses use before selling something. When it comes to GST, it’s crucial to get it right. Include all the details like item descriptions, prices, and payment terms. Mastering proforma invoicing under GST is crucial for clear business transactions. Accuracy is key, ensuring benefits like effective planning and clear communication. Creating a proforma invoice demands attention, optimizing financial efficiency. However, challenges lurk, emphasizing the importance of avoiding common mistakes. In summary, a well-crafted proforma invoice is a cornerstone for successful, compliant business transactions in the ever-evolving world of commerce.


What exactly is a proforma invoice and why is it used?

A proforma invoice is like an early shopping list before a sale. It’s used to show the buyer what’s for sale and at what cost before the actual deal.

How does GST relate to invoices, and why is it important to understand it?

GST is a tax added to the cost of goods and services. Understanding it is crucial for accurate invoicing and ensures compliance with tax regulations.

Can you explain the essential elements of a proforma invoice?

Key elements include seller and buyer details, goods or services descriptions, quantities, prices, payment terms, and applicable taxes.

What benefits do businesses gain from using proforma invoices?

Benefits include clarity in transactions, better financial planning, formal quotations, and transparency in international trade.

How does a proforma invoice fit into the whole GST system?

It aligns with GST rules by including tax details, helping in accurate tax calculations and facilitating smooth compliance.

Why is accuracy emphasized when creating proforma invoices under GST?

Accuracy ensures clear communication, avoids mistakes in tax calculations, and helps businesses stay compliant with GST regulations.

What are the specific steps to follow when making a proforma invoice under GST guidelines?

Steps include adding a unique number, mentioning the date, providing seller and buyer details, specifying goods or services, stating quantities and prices, including GST details, and outlining payment terms.

Can you highlight some mistakes businesses commonly make in proforma invoicing under GST?

Common mistakes include forgetting important details, not checking GST rates, skipping payment terms, and missing bank details or certifications.

Why is it necessary to include bank details and certifications in a proforma invoice?

Including bank details ensures smooth transactions, and certifications are needed for compliance, especially with Customs Authorities.

How does a proforma invoice contribute to smooth and compliant business transactions?

It provides a clear agreement before a deal, preventing misunderstandings, aiding financial planning, and ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

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Anjali Panda Senior Content Writer

Anjali Panda, a skilled wordsmith and literature enthusiast, earned her bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature from KiiT University. Her Highest Qualification Holding an MBA in Finance, she effortlessly blends academic knowledge with practical insights in her finance-centric content. Presently, Anjali is leveraging her financial expertise at BitWale, a startup, where she plays a pivotal role in optimizing the company's overall financial operations