Fire-extinguishing equipment shall include any of the following elements capable of appropriately controlling and extinguishing the fire under any condition:
- Waste barrels with buckets.
- Sand or dirt with shovels.
- Garden hose minimum ½" in diameter with a maximum of 150' length with nozzle turned on and readily available or other adequate water supply such as water barrels or water trucks.
- A fire extinguisher.
Christmas Tree Lots
You must keep the following documents at your sales location:
- Business license (original)
- Certificate of insurance
- Fire prevention permit
Nonprofit organizations
You may request a fee waiver for the business license and the fire prevention permit if you qualify as an IRS-approved, charitable, non-profit organization. Submit proof of charitable status with the application in order for any fees to be waived.
Explosives or Blasting Agents
A permit is required for the storage, use and handling of explosives or blasting agents. An approved blasting permit, signed by the state fire marshal, is also required for blasting operations.
Application Deadline: 14 days before the use date.
Definitions: An explosive is a chemical compound, mixture or device, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion. The term includes:
- Dynamite
- Black powder
- Pellet powder
- Initiating explosives
- Detonators
- Safety fuses
- Squibs
- Detonating cord
- Igniter cord
- Igniters and display fireworks
A blasting agent is a material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer, intended for blasting provided that the finished product, as mixed for use or shipment, cannot be detonated by means of a number 8 test blasting cap when unconfined. Blasting agents are labeled and placarded as Class 1.5 material by US DOT.
Storage, use and handling of explosives or blasting agents shall be in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes 480.010-095; Oregon Revised Statutes 480.200-290 and Oregon Administrative Rules 837-012-0305 through 837-012-1420.
Fireworks Stands
You must keep the following documents at your sales location:
- Business license (original)
- Certificate of insurance
- Entire Oregon State Fire Marshal packet including retail sales of fireworks permit
- Product inventory shipping documents
- Fire prevention permit
Nonprofit organizations
You may request a fee waiver for the business license and the fire prevention permit if you qualify as an IRS-approved, charitable, non-profit organization. Submit proof of charitable status with the application in order for any fees to be waived.
Flammable or Combustible Liquid Tanks
A permit is required to install, alter, change the contents thereof, remove, abandon, place temporarily out-of-service of otherwise dispose of a flammable or combustible liquid tank.
The State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) must be notified before the removal of a underground tank.
Application deadline
- Permit applications must be received seven days before the scheduled process.
- The application must include a plat drawing of the location, size, type and use of the tank(s), with a description of the process to be conducted.
All work involving fuel tanks must be conducted in accordance with the Oregon Fire Code Chapter 57 and specific DEQ requirements.
Haunted Houses
The requirements of the 2014 Oregon Fire Code (OFC) Appendix K fire prevention guidelines for haunted houses and similar temporary installations must be met.
Exiting and crowd control
- In any facility using the maze concept there shall be no dead-end corridors and there shall be an obvious exit out of any maze every 50 feet of linear travel.
- Exits shall be a minimum of 3 feet wide and 6 feet 8 inches tall,
- All aisles shall be a minimum of 4 feet wide and 6 feet 8 inches high.
- All stairways shall be illuminated at a level of at least 1 foot candle (10.8 lux),
- The number of occupants in the facility at any time shall be limited to a number determined by Gresham Fire and Emergency Services and listed on your fire prevention permit. This permit must be posted at all times.
Groups shall consist of no more than 20 people.
- Each group of children age 12 and younger shall be accompanied and supervised by a staff person who is 18 years or older.
- Exits must be obvious, marked and signed with luminous signs. Blocking, locking or in any way impeding ready access to any marked or required exit is prohibited.
- Provide an adequate number of responsible supervisors to assist in exiting and to reduce panic, should an emergency occur.
- All staff guides shall be provided with two-way communications that have been demonstrated to be capable of being heard throughout the entire facility at all times the building is operating. This includes the ability to be heard over any audible sound effects.
- All staff shall have in their possession an operable flashlight and be completely familiar with the facility and the approved emergency plan.
- There must be at least one phone available for supervisors to call 911 in an emergency.
Decorating, combustible materials and building modifications
- Discourage the use of combustible materials whenever possible.
- When combustible materials are brought into a public assembly area, they must be treated or protected so they are essentially rendered and maintained flame-proof in a manner acceptable to the Fire Marshal.
- To find a flame retardant to protect nearly all types of material, check the Yellow Pages under “Safety Supply” or “Theatrical Equipment.”
- Treated material needs to be tested prior to acceptance.
- Ready-made costumes, masks, wigs and beards should be labeled “flame proof.” We recommend buying only those items marked as such. Homemade costumes, paper bag masks, etc., are combustible until treated.
- Harvest decorations such as cornstalks, dry branches and baled straw are all highly combustible until treated with a fire retardant.
- Keep combustible decorations out of exit pathways, stairs and away from heaters or fireplaces.
- The use of temporary heaters is prohibited.
- Open flame devices are prohibited. Use dry cell batteries and bulbs to illuminate jack-o-lanterns.
Fire protection
- The fire alarm and or sprinkler system must be in complete operation and have current maintenance records. No alterations, obstructions or changes may be made to alter the performance of the fire protection system.
- Generally speaking, smoke machines are not compatible with fire alarm systems and therefore prohibited in buildings containing fire alarm systems.
- A sufficient number of fire extinguishers shall be provided so that the maximum travel distance to any extinguisher is not more than 50 feet.
- The minimum size fire extinguisher required is a 2A:10BC. Extinguishers shall be conspicuously mounted and in plain view. All staff must be aware of fire extinguisher locations and instructed in the proper use of the extinguishers.
- Any sound effects must not interfere, mimic or create confusion with regard to the audibility of the fire alarm system.
Safe use of electricity
- All electrical installations shall meet the requirements of the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code.
- Any modifications made to the electrical system must be performed under benefit of permit from the City.
- Special attention should be paid to assure proper grounding of all electrical appliances.
- Multi-plug power strips may be used when plugged directly into an outlet.
- Any construction performed under the requirements and/or purview of the Oregon Structural Specialty code must be done under benefit of permit by the City.
- LPG and all flammable liquids or gases are prohibited in any building used for public assembly purposes.
- “No Smoking” signs shall be posted at every entry point of building.
- Emergency vehicle access must be maintained at all times. Enforce the “No Parking-Fire Lane” rules (20-foot minimum width).
We recommend appointing a responsible and fire-conscious adult to the clean-up crew after the gathering.
Open Burning
A permit is required to conduct an open burn for any type of land clearing or major lot natural debris disposal.
A site plan must be submitted seven days before the planned burn.
- Open burns shall not be conducted within 50' of a structure and provision shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 50' of any structure.
- Exception: When piles are 3' or less in diameter and 2' or less in height, the minimum distances may be 25'.
- Rubber product
- Tires
- Plastic
- Garbage
- Petroleum or petroleum treated materials
- Asphalt or industrial waste
- Construction materials
- Any material that creates dense smoke or noxious odors
- Garden hose minimum ½" diameter with attached nozzle and maximum length 150', turned on with no leaks and readily available
- Water barrels with buckets
- 4A fire extinguisher
- Water tender
- Winds exceed 15 mph
- Any representative of the Fire Department determines the fire to be a hazard or verifies the conditions of approval are not being met
Outdoor Carnivals and Fairs
- All events must comply with the requirements in the guide.
- This guide is a tool for the event planner to prepare your Fire Prevention Permit Application and to advise vendors of the fire safety requirements for the event.
- Utilizing guide information will help you host an organized event with minimal last minute disruptions to correct code violations.
When a fire prevention permit is required
A permit is required when any of the following are proposed to operate:
- Season sales
- Assembly of 50 people or more (indoors and outdoors)
- Carnival
- Fair
- Exhibition
- Tent or canopy
- Aerial displays
Pyrotechnical Special Effects Materials
A permit is required to manufacture, compound, store or use pyrotechnic special effects material, and will only be issued to a State of Oregon licensed operator.
Deadline: 7 days before the event or special use
- Wholesale fireworks shall meet Oregon Administrative Rule 837-012-500 through 837-12-0570
- Retail fireworks shall meet Oregon Administrative Rule 837-012-0600 through 837-012-0675
- Public display shall meet Oregon Administrative Rule 837-012-0700 through 837-012-0970
- Agricultural use shall meet Oregon Administrative Rule 837-012-0305 through 837-012-0370
- Rocketry shall meet National Fire Protection Association standards 1122, 1125 and 1127
Sidewalk/Special Event Sales
- All events must comply with the applicable requirements in this guide.
- This guide is a tool to be used by an event planner to prepare your Fire Prevention Permit Application and to advise vendors of the fire safety requirements for the event.
- Utilizing information in this guide will help you host an organized event with minimal last minute disruptions to correct code violations.
When a fire prevention permit is required
A permit is required when any of the following are proposed to operate:
- Assembly of 50 people or more (indoors and outdoors)
- Carnival
- Fair
- Exhibition
- Tent or canopy
- Seasonal sales
- Aerial displays
Tents, Canopies and Membrane Structure
Canopy/tent outdoor dining permit
- Review the following documents to ensure you will be able to meet the requirements:
- Tent and membrane structure guide for outdoor dining
- Heater use inside tents/membrane structures
Special events and seasonal sales
- Fire prevention planning guide for special events and seasonal sales
- Fire prevention permit application
Tents exceeding 200 square feet and canopies exceeding 400 square feet require a Fire Prevention Permit. Permit application must include a site and seating plan.
Example of some requirements for tents
- Tents and canopies are not allowed inside a structure.
- Tents and canopies shall maintain a distance of 20 feet from structures, property lines or right of ways. For the purpose of determining required distances, support ropes and guy wires are considered part of the tent or canopy.
- Tents and canopies shall be roped, braced and anchored.
- Tents and canopies must be made of fire resistant material (must bear label from manufacturer indicating so) or be treated with an approved flame retardant.
- Decorative materials used in tents shall be flame retardant.
- Post 'No Smoking' signs inside and/or outside tent.
- When multiple tents or canopies are arranged or set side by side, the aggregate length shall not exceed 150 feet without a 20 foot fire break.
The complete list or requirements is in the fire prevention guide for special events and seasonal sales.