FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Please check your FSU email for updates on your orientation requirements and reach out to your specific program/department. Different programs and departments have different requirements for graduate student orientations. Some programs have multiple orientations students must attend while others do not require certain orientations. Please make sure you have contacted your specific program/department to determine what your requirements are.

As a new (or returning) student at FSU, how do I manage all of my student affairs such as grades, transcripts, and financial aid status?

You have access to all of your vital student information--including Canvas--via your myFSU Student Central page. If you are employed at the university full time, part time, or through a graduate assistantship, you can also access your employee information through this system. Log in with your FSU ID and password.

Where do I find information about tuition?

What is my primary means of communication with FSU?

For most correspondence with the university--aside from those involving sensitive student information--you will use your FSU Email account. Please keep in mind that, due to new security measures, you are able to send no more than 5,000 emails from your FSU email per day. Consult the ITS website for more information about creating and managing your FSU student and/or employee email account.

Have the due dates for various applications, such as scholarships or program application paperwork, been extended due to COVID-19?

This varies by program and department. Please contact the department for your specific application interest to determine the exact due date and verify if any extensions have been put into place. Please keep in mind that it is best practice to assume that all due dates for paperwork have remained the same until you receive verification that they have been altered or extended.

Aside from classes, what other on-campus events have been cancelled?

All face-to-face events consisting of 10 or more people have been cancelled or postponed at FSU until August 2, 2020. Cancellation and postponement may continue beyond this date depending on the current health and safety circumstances. Some organizations may hold virtual alternatives for their events so consult organizational websites for more information.

What are the start dates and duration of each term in the Summer 2023 semester?

Summer A (6 Weeks) May 15, 2023 - June 23, 2023
Summer B (6 Weeks) June 26, 2023 - August 4, 2023
Summer C (12 Weeks) May 15, 2023 - August 4, 2023
Summer F (8 Weeks) May 15, 2023 - July 17, 2023

Check your program/departmental website for information about your specific enrollment semester. Dates may differ across programs/departments. For more information about general Summer 2020 dates, consult the website of the Office of the University Registrar.

What is the status on university-sponsored travel?

All university-sponsored domestic and international travel is canceled until further notice. Any domestic travel previously approved by FSU Travel Services must be reevaluated by your respective university vice president. Only travel deemed essential by a vice president will be re-approved. The university strongly recommends that all students, staff, and faculty refrain from personal domestic and international travel except for emergency purposes.

How do I obtain my FSU ID now that the university is closed?

Visit the FSUCard Center's website for information for obtaining your card from a distance.

How are online courses delivered at FSU?

FSU utilizes the Canvas Learning Management System to deliver online courses. As a new graduate student, you should expect to interact with this system. Class delivery style may be different depending on the class. Some styles you might see over the summer include:

As a TA or instructor of record at FSU, where can I find additional support for leading my new online class?

You may find a variety of resources for teaching and learning on the PIE website. Additionally, you may self-enroll in our PIE TA Community Support Canvas site for a variety of resources for online class management/transformation and Zoom Office Hours

What are the technical requirements for online courses at FSU?

To participate in an FSU online course, you'll need a computer and operating system that are as up-to-date as possible (less than 3 years old). Make sure you have a stable, high-speed internet connection and virus protection software. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the recommended browsers for FSU's online courses. To optimize your learning experience, we also recommend you have headphones, a microphone, and a webcam. Always consult your course syllabus and pay attention to communication from your instructor for any additional technical requirements. Students experiencing financial hardship related to acquiring the appropriate technology should contact FSU's Case Management Services at casemanagement@fsu.edu. To access additional special software remote access resources, visit the myFSUVLab website.

How will testing work during this period of distance learning?

Student assessment may be handled online in Canvas or via proctored exams at an external site or online provider. Proctored exams are at the discretion of the instructor. If your class requires proctored testing, your instructor will provide information in the course syllabus.

There are three types of proctored testing: on-campus testing, off-campus testing at an approved facility, and off-campus testing via an online service provider. Testing at FSU's main campus Testing Center is free for all FSU students. Students residing at a distance will need to use off-campus options. These usually involve a fee that is set by the facility providing the service. For more information about proctored testing, see the Office of Distance Learning website.

Will my online degree meet professional licensure requirements in my home state?

If you're interested in an online program that may lead to professional licensure and you reside outside Florida, please check licensing requirements in your home state prior to applying. You'll want to make sure the program meets licensing criteria in your home state (or state where you intend to work). For more information on professional licensure, see the State Authorization and Licensure page.

How do I access FSU library services during the distance learning period?

Regardless of your location, you can access library resources remotely. You'll find databases, tutorials, workshops, and other helpful resources in the FSU Libraries for Students Canvas org site (all students are enrolled automatically). For recommended research resources and ways to connect with your librarians, look for "Library Tools" in your Canvas course navigation.

How do I obtain accommodations for distance learning?

Need online learning accommodations, like assistive technology or accommodated testing? Contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), formerly the Student Disability Resource Center, and don't forget to work with your instructors to make sure they're aware of your registered accommodations.

Where can I find online options for miscellaneous student support services?

Consult the Division of Student Affairs Virtual FSU page for a variety of online resources, from tutoring to health management.

What is LinkedIn Learning and how do I access it online?

LinkedIn Learning is an online repository of various tutorials pertaining to business, software, and creativity. With your FSU credentials, you are able to access a LinkedIn Learning account free of charge.

If your instructor has added LinkedIn Learning content to your Canvas course, you'll be able to find the LinkedIn Learning content within your Canvas course site. It's most likely in a Module in your Canvas course. If you have trouble finding the content, please contact your instructor to clarify where the LinkedIn Learning content is located.

If your instructor has not added any LinkedIn Learning content to your Canvas course, don’t worry – you can still access LinkedIn Learning resources. Simply go to FSU’s LinkedIn Learning page, click the “sign in” button, and log in with your FSU credentials.

Note: This information has been adapted from the Office of Distance Learning website.

Health Insurance Subsidy Benefit

For Postdoctoral Scholars

Will the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA) be open during the time when campus is closed or operating by online instruction?

Yes, although much of the professional development programming of the OPDA has been either postponed or moved online, the OPDA staff are working remotely and are available to assist you with typical postdoctoral training, mentoring, or hiring needs.

If I am a Postdoctoral Scholar with research critical needs, how to I seek approval to be on campus to complete these activities?

The VP for Research approves research activities that are allowable during the emergency shut down of the campus for the safety of preventing Covid-19 infection. Allowable emergency maintenance of research activities include upkeep of sensitive equipment, husbandry of vertebrate animals or organisms, preservation of critical data or samples, for example. Postdocs should coordinate with their advisors to submit requests for campus and research access to the chairperson of their department, who will forward screened requests to the VP for Research Office. Currently no external users of the magnet laboratory are permitted.

If a postdoctoral scholar is working remotely, will they still receive stipend or fellowship compensation if not able to complete laboratory or campus research?

Yes, postdoctoral scholars will receive regular stipends or fellowship while they work remotely. This includes such activities as writing (grants, manuscripts, books), data analysis, planning experimental designs, completing editorial reviews, reading literature, or online instruction. Scholars should seek advice from their mentors and are encouraged to communicate at least weekly with their research groups to get insight and monitor progress.

My particular research area cannot be accomplished remotely, will I lose my stipend? During the shelter in place requirement, I have the obligation to watch my children or my parents and cannot complete my research remotely, will I lose my stipend?

No, postdoctoral scholars may be eligible for Emergency Paid Sick Leave as part of the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

If my postdoctoral grant or fellowship is nearing an end date and I have not been able to accomplish the goals of the award during the campus shut down, what do I do?

In coordination with your mentor, reach out to your funding agency and request if there is the possibility of an extension on the completion deadline or special bridge funding available during the Covid-19.

I just arrived on campus or am planning to initiate a move to Tallahassee to start my postdoctoral fellowship. How do I initiate my employment onboarding if the campus is closed and staff are all working remotely?

Work with your postdoctoral mentor who can help you navigate the current changes to hiring paperwork through your home department. The OPDA has moved New Postdoctoral Welcome sessions (required orientation) online and you can register for a session so that you can initiate your selected benefits/insurance within the first 60 days of employment. Please contact the OPDA if you would like to be paired with a Postdoctoral Buddy, who is a current FSU postdoctoral scholar, and who could help you navigate relocation or settling in to your research discipline once you arrive.

Are there resources I can see as a postdoctoral scholar if I feel anxious or am experiencing stress concerning the extended campus closure or pandemic restrictions of my community?

It is understandable that all of us will have stress during the closure to campus for situations our of our control. The OPDA encourages weekly contact with your research group, healthy eating, and daily time for walking, stretching, meditating, or exercising. The FSU Counseling Center is now offering telepsychology appointments via the secure, confidential Zoom HIPAA. If you would like to schedule a telepsychology appointment with Drs. Painter, Porter, or Taylor, please email psychappt@med.fsu.edu.

Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards (OGFA)

What is the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards (OGFA)?

The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards (OGFA) assists current FSU graduate students with articulating their interests and ambitions in support of identifying and applying for external fellowships, scholarships, grants, and awards. We offer individual tailored guidance with careful review of application materials for the submission of external fellowship and award applications. We also regularly offer departmental presentations, meetings, and classes. Our workshops are designed to cover both the basics of applying for external funding as well as in-depth advice for pursuing specific funding opportunities.