How to Create a PDF in Grayscale
Portable Document Format (PDF) files are primarily created from printable source material, for example a Word document or PowerPoint presentation. The advantage of using PDF is that you do not need the source program to view the file, only a PDF reading program. When you use a PDF writing program to create a PDF file, you may adjust the settings to create a grayscale version, even if the source file is in color.
- Install a PDF writing program to your computer. While commercial PDF writing programs are readily available, many free programs may be used for creating grayscale PDF files. While PDFill ( is used in the following steps, CutePDF ( and NitroPDF ( work in the same manner and are free to download.
- Open the color document for which you want to create a grayscale PDF. While a PowerPoint file is used, the process for other documents is the same. Click the "Office" button, select "Print" and click the "Print Preview" button, which will open a separate dialogue window.
- Click the "Options" arrow, highlight the "Color/Grayscale" option and select "Grayscale." Click the "Print" option in the Print section, which will open a separate dialogue window.
- Click the "Printer name" menu and choose the PDF writing program you installed on your computer, for example PDFill. Click the "Print" button, which will open a separate window. use the arrows in the address bar to select a folder in which to save the grayscale PDF. Type a name into the "File name" field and click the "Save" button.