Residency Interview Questions
Our Team of Residents shared Residency Interview Questions from their ERAS journeys. All interviews are stressful whether virtual or in person. Practice is key. Practice with family, friends, and classmates.
Most residency interviews will start with the introductory question “Tell me a little about yourself”. and then you might get some of these questions:
- Why did you choose this specialty?
- How do you earn the trust of a patient who mistrusts the health system?
- In what type of position do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Many questions focused on ERAS application personal statements and CV from hobbies to research. Review both thoroughly before your interview. Be prepared.
- Share something interesting about you that is not on your ERAS personal statement or in your CV.
- Why does representation matter?
- What would be on page 275 of your autobiography?
- Present an interesting case to us. It can be from any service.
- Share an obstacle that you overcame in Med School.
- What are the characteristics or traits in colleagues or coworkers you dislike the most?
- What three words would your best friend use to describe you?
- What does social justice in medicine mean to you?
- How will you balance being a leader and being a team player during residency?
- Share constructive criticism you received and how you dealt with it.
- Share a recent book you read or are currently reading.
- What worries or concerns you most about residency?
- Share a time you overcame an obstacle in medical school.
- What will you bring to our training program?
- If you were asked to give a Ted Talk, what would it be?
- What are some characteristics or traits in colleagues or coworkers you dislike the most?
- What does strong leadership mean to you?
- Tell me about a mistake you made in patient care and how you rectified it.
- If you could invite anyone (living or deceased) to dinner, who would it be and why?
- How will you be spending your days off? What will you be doing in your free time?
- What are your intellectual pursuits outside of medicine?
- If you did not choose the field of medicine as a career, what would be another career choice?
- What questions do you have about our program?
Questions to ask at your residency interview about the program:
- What improvements based on resident feedback has your program implemented in the last 3-5 years?
- In what ways is the program an innovator in education?
- If your program was given a grant to make improvements, how would you invest those funds?
Questions to ask residents:
1. What was the most important factor in choosing this program?
2. What are the weaknesses in your program? What are the strengths?
3. What is a typical week/month/year like for a resident in PGY-1, PGY-2, and PGY-3?
4. What is a call like? What kind of backup and supervision is provided?
5. What improvements would you like to see in the program? Are suggestions implemented?